
Still Hoping for an Artist

So Breanne was supposed to be finishing her nap in her aunt Kelly's room, but when we heard her yelling to come out, we found this instead:

Yes, that is nail polish. At least 4 different colors. And it was all over her legs, arms, and a little bit was on her face. I felt so sick and had such a headache by the time I finished getting it off! Upside? Breanne now has a shirt to wear for painting and other projects that I don't care about getting messy. And this time it was someone else's bedding instead of her own...


  1. I love kids because they are so curious about everything- all the time! Maybe she's an aspiring nail/makeup artist?!

  2. hm. I'm thinking two things: 1) how funny and adorable and so creatively Breanne and 2) I guess I'll have to keep a closer eye on the little green bag of fingernail polish in my room...oh and one more, it might have been easier to clean off had she found a red lipstick instead, like Stu... ;)

  3. Oh NO! Oh, this is too funny for words. She did a pretty good job getting to those little toenails--that's hard, even for me!
