
Sweet Baby

Doesn't she just look so cozy and beautiful? I love this baby.


  1. I love all your posts - your girls are so sweet and fun.

  2. She really is adorable...and I also love the thumb =)!

  3. I thought of the poking and bother the baby thing with the bassinet right next to her bed, but the room is so small that really there is no other way to set it up (believe me, we tried MANY ways), unless we put the bassinet under the window and I don't want to do that. She'll just have to learn to leave him alone.

  4. By the way - nice guesses with the name. My mom seems to think it is "Collin" she cracks me up. You'd be wrong about the name ending in an R though, because that is his middle name. I've already told people this, so I don't mind sharing. His middle name is R. Richard doesn't have a middle name either, just an initial (F), so we thought we'd do the same for this baby. The F in Richard's name is kind of after his grandfather (Fred) and after his mother's maiden name (Fish). So we are doing the same. Our baby's name is after my maiden name (Rains) and Richard's first name. Fun huh?

  5. I so don't mind you popping into my blog cause I drop by yours as well. (: The dance class is in Orem but unfortunately she is full in the little girls' class for this year. If you are in the area, let me know if you're interested next year...
