
Janey is Six Months!

Sometimes I can't believe Janey could possibly be so old--the time has really just flown by since she was born.  She has been such a peaceful little baby, and has done wonders towards easing my nervousness about having more than one child.  I love her little laugh, her squeals and her smiles, and her latest cooing and babbling in her sweet little voice is enough to cheer me up whenever I hear it.  What can I say, I love this little girl!


  1. Six months already? Wow! That is crazy. She sure is getting big. Adorable pictures and big beautiful eyes!

  2. She is such a beautiful little baby! I love seeing her smiling so much and I can't wait to see her talking and walking around!

  3. I would love if Joshua could do the same for me in a few days. I'm nervous to have two!

  4. And now you understand my feelings for you, my sweet second baby. But you also understood my feelings for you, my daughter, as you met your first daughter when Breanne was born.

    Life is a beautiful cycle, repeating itself, over and over, in a wonderful way.

  5. how cute! time has flown by! i love being close to your family!!

  6. Wow look how much she is sitting up and how big she is!!!

    And Happy Birthday! It sounded awesome! I love gifts too!!! You should see me with the wedding gifts... I don't think Aaron has opened any of them!!! I LOVE gifts!
