
Back to My Birthday...

So despite the treadmill fiasco, I did have an excellent birthday, and I wanted to show off some of my great gifts... have I mentioned how much I love gifts? And lucky for me, I have some extremely generous family members. So, I took some pictures for you all. Enjoy my ridiculousness.

Ok, so Cory's sister Kimmy gave me some really good fall-ish smelling hand soap and lotion, my parents gave me a laptop cooler thing (my mom is going to pass her old compy on to me when she gets her new one... isn't that so nice of her!?!) and my sweet neighbor Catherine baked me some really yummy chocolate cookies. 

Cory always does such a great job picking out gifts--he gave me these two shirts that Hazel is modeling, and this really great new diaper bag, which I love.

My Grandma Wilde was apparently listening when I mentioned to her that I'd like to get a wagon instead of a double stroller, because it just seemed like more fun, and it is!  She gave me a brand new Red Flyer Wagon!  It's the ATW--All Terrain Wagon, so it has to cool big "air wheels," and it's 1.5x as deep as the original... so great for keeping those kids inside!  We took her on her maiden voyage on Wednesday, and it was fantastic.  We threw a pillow in the back and sat Janey up against that, then had Breanne sit in the front.  (We only had one mishap when I stopped a little suddenly and Breanne head-butted Janey in the face... but we've learned our lesson from that, and will be sitting better in the future... :))

And probably my best present...

Old dryer spot:
New dryer spot:

I know this doesn't look like that big of a deal, but we've had our washer in the basement and our dryer upstairs for the last couple of months.  Not that I'm going to complain about that--we still had it in our house, which we were grateful for, but I am SO excited to have it all on the same level again!  My dad and brothers finished the wiring and venting hook-ups for the dryer in the basement, so now everything is on one level again.  I am so excited, and thankful for their expertise.  
My cluttered but wonderful laundry area... I love it.  And now hopefully I'll get up the courage to tackle the stairwell, and make it look as wonderful as the rest of the house.  Someday I'll have to post a picture tour.

So one more time, thank you everyone who participated in my birthday, this was by far one of the best, and not just for the gifts, though those definitely helped.  :)


  1. I'm excited for you about the red wagon!! I'm also excited for you about the laundry - HOW ANNOYING to not have it on the same level. That's such a bummer about the treadmill though.

  2. I pretty much love that your diaper bag looks like a cute handbag! Best idea ever. I also enjoy the wagon idea; very clever.

  3. that sounds like a fantastic birthday!
