
New Neighbor

So as I was cleaning my house on my birthday, I opened my front door to do something, when my mom noticed a giant spider hanging out on our doorway... He (or probably more likely she) hung around for a while, then disappeared yesterday. Too bad, I was really liking having him stay in the same spot... so I knew where he was, and thus where he wasn't as well. Fortunately, I did get a few pictures (though they're really not clear, as my camera is a little lacking on the close-ups side of things...so I'll just post one):

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a spider like this one in real life before--yellow with little spikey-like bump things on it's back, and yellow and brown striped legs.  I looked around for a little while on the internet trying to figure out what it was, but got too creeped out to actually find it.  He was probably about 1/2 inch long, and mostly kept to himself.  



  1. *Jibbly-jibblies* I agree! Luckily I haven't seen any spiders in my new place...yet! I have plenty of other things to worry about without any spiders hanging around. I would have had Mike kill the creepy thing so I knew for sure it coudn't come eat me in my sleep. :)

  2. Hey Jessie, it's Rachel Radmacher! I am so glad I found your blog! Now I get to see pictures of your beautiful babes! Oh, and I am so afraid of spiders! I can't believe you let it stay, I would have made DJ either catch it and relocate or, dare I say, kill it!

  3. So I read a comment you left on Jen's blog about her outie belly button!! You crack me up - I NEVER wanted mine to pop out (yuck), and it hasn't this time nor did it last time. I have a REALLY deep inny, but it does get really stretched out by the time I deliver. :)

  4. You are NOT too preachy!! Thank you for the words of advice. I know I need to stop worrying so much about the weight - it's just silly. I can't help it though. Life is good, and you are right, I think I will miss my little guy kicking after he is born.

  5. Eeeewww! I discovered a little "friend" outside of Ben's window yesterday, but Bill refuses to kill it and there is no way I'm going near it. You're braver than me!
