
A Little Bit Heartbroken

is how I feel today...

On Saturday night, I received a notice from SlickDeals (have I mentioned how much I love them before? They're pretty great) that Walmart was clearancing out a bunch of treadmills. Now, I've been wanting a treadmill for a while now, just to make running easier, since we have the two girls and all. So I looked at the treadmills, and found one that was originally 300.00, now priced at 60.00, that got great reviews. I was so excited, as was Cory, so we planned to use any birthday money I received for that, and bought one online. The great thing about Walmart is that as long as you have the product shipped to the store, shipping is free. So we were getting a treadmill for about 63.00! While I was stressed about where to put it, I knew that it was something we wanted and would definitely use, so it was worth it.

Except last night we got an email from Walmart saying they'd cancelled our order. They didn't give a reason why, but I'd guess it's because they ran out of stock before they took down the order site or something. For our troubles they're (obviously) refunding us our money, and also giving us a 20.00 e-gift card, but we don't get the treadmill. I am so bummed. Now I have to buy something online to use the card, and I don't get a cheap treadmill. So frustrating.

The picture is the treadmill we should have received. :(


  1. Darn, that's too bad! I'm also a bit sad I missed it... I want one in my house as well; it'd make TV watching a bit more fruitful.

  2. That would have been a killer deal. Super unfortunate! :(

  3. Bummer! I would have totally tried to copy you in that deal if you would have got it. At least you got a free gift card out of it.

  4. I just have to add my condolences too...

    That would be fun to exercise on a treadmill while watching TV. You should try craigslist!

  5. do you want me to have my mom call them?

  6. Treadmills, a series of high quality fitness products that is available in the market. They offer all workout benefits and are designed to fit in small spaces. Treadmills are great for people who love to walk or jog. You can get more information about Treadmills which I browsed on internet can fetch you help.
