
Quarter of a Century

Yes, it's true--today I turned 25. So I will now list 25 things I love about myself.

Just kidding. I'm not quite that crazy. Yet. :) But I did have a great birthday, for which I'd like to thank all my family and friends. It is a wonderful thing to be loved, and I definitely feel that I am. So thank you all, and I hope you enjoyed the lemon bars and brownies, if you stopped by to visit.


  1. Okay, if you don't want to tell us 25 things you love about yourself I think everyone who reads this post should say something they love about you instead!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ...And I was so looking forward to your list of 25 things!... I think you should do it anyway. ;)

  4. I love all the things I'm learning about you now that I've found your blog that I didn't know about you in high school. It makes me wish we'd been closer. We have a lot in common! For some reason I felt very close to you when I read #23 on your list of “100 Things About Me”. Almost as if you were blogging about me. :)

    You and Tannie were always really good at making me feel special and included in band. You’d always smile and seemed genuinely happy to see me. Thanks!

  5. Happy Late Birthday! I would love to do family/kid pictures for you this fall. Let me look at my class schedule and see if I have a good weekend around the end of September/beginning of October time. I'll probably post things on my blog. I really want to. I haven't seen you in so long and want to meet your family. I'm glad you recognized the nametag your made on my calender. Good times!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday!

    I am glad you had a great day.

  7. Okay, quarter of a century - I hadn't thought of that one!! :) I think you should have done the 25 things - it would be hilarious.

  8. Happy Birthday(a few days late). So I don't have your email so this is how I'll get in touch with you. I've info about water aerobics if you are interested. Email me if you want tlsandgren@yahoo.com
