
Look at Me!

A couple hours after I tossed all my ingredients for stew into the crockpot, I decided we needed a little bread to go with it... so here is what I did about it:

Yeast, sugar and water bubbling up while I scalded milk, melted butter and dissolved sugar and salt on the stove...

beat three eggs, then put all three bowls of liquid together...

Added 5 cups of flour and started mixing it in...

Put another cup of flour on the counter, moved my dough onto it...

Mixed in a bunch of the counter-flour, put it back in the bowl to rise for an hour...

Shaped it into rolls, let it rise another hour...

Baked it for 12 minutes, and out came these delicious beauties!  

Yes, that's right, I made bread.  Well, actually, rolls.  With yeast.  All by myself.  Oh, except for the 5 or so calls I made to my  mom during the process... but I did it!  And I now feel much more comfortable with the process, so I hope to try out more new recipes, and experiment with the ones we have until we find something that we absolutely love, but in the meantime, these were really very very good, I thought.  Especially so with the homemade stew I had going in the crockpot while these baked... what can I say, I'm pretty much amazing.  :)


  1. yay! good job! Homemade rolls are yummy!! Yours look PERFECT! I tried to make french bread again today- FAILED- oh well, if we don't eat it, there's always the ducks.

  2. Yummy! I love homemade breads! Good job!

  3. Okay, so those look delicious!! What is the recipe? Shoot me an e-mail.

  4. Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you?

    And remember, you can't give the recipe out right away--this is what you say, "Oh, I'm glad you like them!" or "Thanks, they are good!" or "Yes, I wanted the recipe for a long time." And you mutter under your breath, "wait for it, wait for it, wait for it." You don't want anybody taking your roll recipe for granted...jk...did I really just type jk? AAAHH I did it again...somebody stop me!

  5. WAHOOO!!!! They look AWESOME. And I loved the step-by-step pictures. I totally want to master cooking like that too. I did make apple crisp on Sunday and I felt very domestic. :)

    Sorry to hear about Cory's job. :( I love how calm you are though and I do hope it brings something better.

    And sorry to hear about your friend. You mentioned you are were pretty self-conscious about yoruself at that age... oh my heck me too. Actually I am pretty self-conscious about high school too. The past couple years is when I think I've finally started feeling okay with myself.

  6. I loved the play by play. You are so funny!
