
One of those days...

Today was kind of a crappy day.  I don't feel great (Janey is teething, and bringing some new issues with that...), Cory was "let go" from his job at Excel (they're massively downsizing, and let go all of their part-timers), and I found out that a good friend from my home ward was killed in a car accident early Sunday morning.  There it is.  The makings of a pretty crappy day.

I would like to say a few things about Cory's job and my friend's death, though, so here goes--

While it terrifies me that Cory doesn't have an official job right now, I feel sort of strangely at peace with the whole thing--I think this could really be a good thing for us.  It seemed like he'd kind of outgrown his old job a little bit, to me.  He was driving up to SLC every day, too, which was such a hassle.  So now he still has good references--his bosses still like him, they just can't afford to keep everyone on anymore--and he has the chance to move on to something new, and hopefully something closer to home, so maybe we could sell one car, and just work with one car again.  Cory already has a few ideas about available jobs, too, which is very comforting.  And on top of all of that, he's been doing a lot of programming for the iPhone, and has been able to make some extra money in the past, which now can help substitute for his lack of income.  So while I feel like I should be freaking out about now, as that is totally my nature, I feel like we'll make it through this.  I think Cory is so talented, and I am confident that he will be able to find a job that matches his skillset, and allows him more growth.  And maybe he can start riding a bike to work or something.  Good for his health, and our finances. :)  If you read this Cory--I love you, and I'm excited for this next big change in our lives together.

As for my friend--his name was Jessie Cline, and I can't even remember when we met, it was so long ago.  I just remember that he and I thought we were so cool because we had the same name, and even though he was 4-5 years older than me, we were buddies.  He was one of the most genuinely nice people I've ever met.  

One of my favorite memories of him revolves around our hike up to the top of Mount Timpanogos-- somehow I got to go with the young men and my dad on a 4  day backpacking trip up the backside of Mount Timp.  Jessie was so funny for the entire trip--he absolutely refused to go to the bathroom, because he would've had to go in the bushes or trees.  Maybe he did go sometime without telling anyone, but as far as I know, he really held it the entire trip.  Crazy kid.  :)  He had a pretty rough time on that hike, though--the snow was really melting, so when we'd cross it, we were often within 10 or so feet of some very swiftly moving water, and in some danger of falling into it.  The trails also get very narrow at the top, which was another danger.  Jessie pulled through, though, and when we finally got to the top, he was the first one up there.  The pics to the right are from my scrapbook (which I put together in 8th grade, so please give me a break... :).  You can see Jessie in the top left picture, when he made it to the top, and then in the bottom left picture, as well, where he is sitting on the rocks in front of me.  That was a good trip.  And please don't mock my hair--we were backpacking, and I was such an awkward girl in jr. high... I'm still a little sensitive about it all.  :)

Anyway, I guess Jessie was driving just after midnight on Sunday with three others in his car when they were hit and killed by a drunk driver.  I am deeply saddened by his loss, even though we'd lost touch over the years.  I hope his wife and family are able to find the comfort they need in this hard time.  He was a wonderful boy, and I know he will be missed by all.


  1. Sorry to hear about Cory's job and also Jessie. Better times ahead, I'm sure.

  2. That IS a crappy day. I hope things work out for Cory; you have such impressive optimism about it all. Good for you!

  3. I'm so sorry that you had such a bad day. I hope everything goes well with Cory and a new job. I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully you have a better day!!

  4. Awww Jessie! I'm sorry that it's been so crappy for you. :( I don't know what else to say. I hope you are doing okay.

  5. That does sound like a super lousy day. Things will get better!

  6. When you called and told me about Cory's letting go, I had two thoughts. First, I thought felt like an opportunity for good change. And second, I knew that Cory would find work and take care of his family. He is a good man.

    My third thought was hoping that you wouldn't be losing too much sleep worrying, especially now that Breanne doesn't need naps (or allow you to nap) anymore.

  7. YIKES! What a horrible day! Sorry to hear about Cory's job. I'm sure that he won't stay unemployed long. Let us know if there is anything that we can do!

  8. Mike was out of work for a long time a few years ago and although it was hard at the time (it always is) it's nice to know that hard times do pass and the sun will come out tomorrow.
