
End of NaBloPoMo

Well, this marks the last day that I'm forced (practically) to write... but I've really enjoyed trying to blog every day.  It's been great for keeping track of what the girls have been up to, but I feel like a lot of my posts have been more of the "talking just to hear myself talk" variety, so I'm excited to get back to just posting when I really have something to say.  I will try to keep up the pace, though--no more week or two or three breaks, if I can help it.  More posts of substance.

To finish things off, I thought I'd just add a new favorite picture of us--and the one I hope to be sending out with Christmas cards, if I ever get around to it (I've been meaning to do it for each year we've been married, but never gotten around to it...).  This is one of the ones taken of us during Cory's family photo shoot back in October.

And just in case you're wondering, Breanne refused to smile in any of the pics, and Janey was doing her best, but still not quite sure what was going on. And it was really cold. Just so you know. :)

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