
A Successful Day

So after all of the drama and exhaustion last week that usually comes with the holidays (something about too much driving and not enough napping and regular schedules), I was very excited to get back into a normal routine this week.  And so far, really, so good.  Yesterday we cleaned up around the house, and today I went to kickboxing and I got some shopping done.  The tv has been "broken" quite a bit lately (I unplug it... for some reason Breanne accepts this, which I love), so we've done some projects, gone to see the Provo City lights turned on, and even decorated our own home a little.  I love the feeling of the Christmas season, and having kids that can enjoy it has made it really fun so far.  I just want them to have as fond of memories of the holidays as I do. 

Tonight Breanne and I decorated the mantle, which is one of the reasons I really love this house.  The fireplace is original to the house, and adds so much character, I love it.  The best part about it is the artwork:

Does that not just scream nativity to you?  I love that it's there all year round, too.  

Here's the finished decorated product:

And some of my favorite parts:

(I love this little nativity--it is my favorite one that I own.  Most of the pieces aren't out, but I like the simplicity of just Mary, Joseph, the baby and the animals.)
(I made this one last year for Super Saturday.  It's probably my favorite decoration of all.)

Since our mantle is a focal point in our home, I try to display the focal points in our lives here.  There are usually pics of the kiddos up there too, but considering the season, I thought this appropriate as well.

In other very very very exciting news, today Breanne took a nap *without* her pacifier, and also went to bed just fine without it!  I've been dreading taking it away because I didn't want her to disrupt Janey's sleeping (or mine, for that matter!), but she's done great today.  I didn't really plan on doing it just yet, but when we couldn't find one at nap time, it just happened.  So great!  Now we just need to get that using the potty for reals thing going... always something.


  1. Hey! We went and saw the Provo Lights turned on too. Sad we didn't see you there!

  2. cute decorations. I haven't got my up yet. Hopefully soon!

  3. the fireplace was my favorite thing about the house when you were house shopping. i loved the bricks outside and the style of the house with the little windows on the ends of the livingroom and the arched plaster in the livingroom, but that mantle stole my heart and my heart couldn't see you in any other home. at least for this time in your lives.

  4. I love that "wisemen still seek him" thing you made, it is so cute! I have my little nativity one you made me displayed in my house right now. You'll have to come by and see it next time you guys are up here!

  5. your house looks so beautiful and Christmasy! good work on the decorating - it's hard to find places to put things that are out of reach of curious little hands!

  6. Dear Kilger family. I have been trying to reach somebody in your family to let you know I am in possession of your ancestor's original Colony Bible, over 217 years old. I was planning to auction it on Ebay and was confirming the spelling of one of the names written in the family history part of the Bible. It is written in quil and I thought it said Lophronica but in research found Sophronia Smith and it led me to your pedigree page here: http://www.kilgerfamily.org/genealogy/pedigree.php?rootid=I1585

    At that site I found all the names of your first family that are in this Bible!

    I plan to sell this Bible on Ebay but thought maybe your family would be interested in acquiring it from me.

    I have set up a blind web page where you can see some images from the Bible including the family names here http://www.anomalospublishing.com/KilgerSmith.htm.

    Please note that I was writing the Ebay ad that includes some historical information about these type Bible, the first of their kind and very valuable, one of which your ancestors owned.

    I have other information about how I came to own this rare Bible if somebody from your family would wish to call my office at 417-723-0610.

    Please ask for Tom Horn
