
Why God Gave Us the 3rd Commandment

Tonight on our way home from a party, Breanne couldn't help but say my name, over and over and over and over again. Every time I'd respond, she'd just ignore me and say it again. And there was no stopping her. It was very confusing to me, though, because she still did it randomly...

"Mom!" she'd say. To which I'd respond, "Yes, Breanne?" and she'd ignore me.

And then pause for a bit.

And then "Mommommom!"

and pause.


It got old really quick. I'd be more than happy to respond if she was actually talking to me, but it was just a game. A very distracting, slightly frustrating game. Cory pointed out that with all God's children, he can't help but think that hearing His name repeatedly for no reason must get old to Him, too. A very valid point, I'd say.


  1. That's hillarious! I'm sure Cory is right!

  2. Okay, well, there's that but there's also the part about her practicing words and all of the other child-rearing psycho babble and her knowing you're there to answer...which is similar to those around who call out to God sincerely even when they don't know what they want except to know he is there...
