
The Works

So when we moved into our house, I noticed that we had a bit of a ring in our toilet from the hard water. I assumed I'd be able to scrub it away with some comet or something... but I was wrong. I tried Scrubbing Bubbles, Comet, and a couple other cleaners we have hanging around here, but nothing seemed to work, even with serious scrubbing. So finally, last week, I was so sick of looking at my gross toilet (we've been potty training over here, and thus spending a significant amount of time in the bathroom) and thinking about how it looks like I never clean it, even though I do pretty much weekly, that I decided to do some research on the web to figure out how to make it better. Why I didn't think of this before is beyond me, but hey, that's the truth of it. Anyways, so everywhere I read online, they were raving about this product:

The Works.

So I broke down and bought some. Which was the first (very pleasant!) surprise: it was only 1.99 a bottle at the grocery store. I read that you could actually get it at the dollar store, but I didn't have the patience to go to another store. So anyway, I brought it home, and poured in on my toilet. As it spread down the sides of my toilet, I heard a slight fizzing sound, and when I looked at the ring, it literally disappeared before my eyes! Amazing. I didn't even have to scrub! Seriously, I am so excited. My toilet looks great. If only I'd figured this out back when I was puking my guts up multiple times a day... maybe I wouldn't have thrown up so much if I hadn't had to stare at such a gross toilet! :) I don't know why this makes me so happy, but I really am excited to have a nice, clean, non-stained toilet again. Yay!


  1. I want two things: a bottle of the works and pictures of your toilet!

  2. Oh my goodness, Jessie--you're a SAINT! I've been trying to get rid of a ring in our toilet since we moved in over a year ago. I'm definitely going to try this!

  3. It's always the small and simple things, huh? Crazy the way a clean toilet can change your whole outlook on life . . . .

  4. Okay, so this post cracks me up!! I love that you wrote about this. Good tip off. :) I also liked the mommommom one with Breanne. Great insite by Cory.
