
Sometimes I Think We're Crazy

Other times, I know we are. Meet the newest member of our happy little family:


(For those of you who are wondering about our sanity, let me just say a few minor words--we knew that eventually we'd need a car that fit at least 3 carseats, or 2 carseats and a booster--this will do that.  We wanted to just trade in the manual Elantra, but it was actually honestly cheaper to buy this without the trade in, and we now have plans to sell the Elantra and the Cavalier to eventually buy a minivan--thus we'll still have two cars, but two that are better suited to our eventually growing family.  Also, we got quite a steal on this car, which is a beauty and ridiculously loaded with extras, and I know (thanks to Cory's latest apps) that we will easily be able to afford it.  We're thinking long term, people.  Please stop worrying.  We're not as crazy and impulsive as you'd like to think.)


  1. Pretty! New cars (even if they're only new to you) are so fun. :)

  2. That is VERY nice! I don't think you are crazy (nor would I have even thought that if you hadn't explained). You and Cory are really smart with money. That's so nice to have a new car!

  3. I think you're only SLIGHTLY impulsive since I saw your brochure and know you didn't just one day wake up and go "I think we'll buy a new car today." haha It looks so pretty! And I think your idea to sell the two other cars and get a minivan sounds great. You guys are going to have a van! You're growing up!

  4. Ha ha! I just got home and saw the car in front of your house and thought "I wonder if they traded in the Elantra...or if someone is visiting..." It is beautiful - good choice! How fun!

  5. If you want, I'll be happy to buy a booster seat so you can move Breanne to that and Janey to Breanne's carseat and then fill Janey's seat with another amazing grandbaby...

    love the car. do not think you are anywhere near crazy or impulsive. And I know the definition of both of those words...

  6. Impulsive is fun--but planning is okay as well! Your newest family member is beautiful!

  7. Why don't we do the park this time and then next time let's do Wheeler farm? I WOULD LOVE that. I also haven't been there for a really long time and I think it would be perfect. I think it would just be easier to stick with the original plan this time though. We ARE going to meet up and play again, so this Wheeler Farm idea will be the perfect push to get us to meet up. :) Does that work?

    I've beem thinking of you too..... for some reason I keep thinking of the time we played together for solo/ensemble (well, we did it two years in a row) and we used to switch our tops. I had a short black skirt and a pink button up and you had a long black skirt and a white button up. You thought that you looked too boring, so we would switch tops! :) I don't know why I keep thiking of that.

    Guess who I was with yesterday? Scott Barrett... you probably don't know him, and neither did I (before this) but he was Scott Hillman's best friend in HS. :) Scott used to talk to me ALL the time about his friend Scott Barrett who was on the track team. I never met him, but heard a lot about him. Then, this guy moved into our ward with his wife Maren about a year and a half ago. I recognized him, but could not place where I knew him from. In any case, his wife and I are good friend so we had them over for games last night and realized that we graduated from the same high school only a year apart. It was soooooo weird. The weirdest part is that we've been living in the same ward for so long and didn't even realize we had this connection of SCOTT! :) Makes me laugh.

    Anyway, long story.... I'll see you Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to it!!

  8. Hey Jessie! Congratulations on the new car - those are always fun to get! How are you? I don't know if you ever have time to look at my blog - but I stalk yours ;) I thought I'd let you know that I've gone private and if you'd like an invite email me at mariebelliston at hotmail dot com. Thanks! Marie

  9. I totally read this post forever ago and totally thought I'd commented. I guess not though! Maybe I said something inappropriate and was deleted. Just jokin! Just had to thank you for calling them my peeps... rocks my world. :)

  10. So are you officially announcing a new addition to your family? It seemed like you did on my blog- and now- I can't find a post confirming it- so congrats- but I;'ll keep my lips sealed until the official announcement- unless I misread the whole thing- which is possible too! :) Happy new car to you by the way!

  11. No, Brooke, no announcement yet, just preparations. Sheesh. All you people jumping to conclusions. :)
