
5 Years

Five years ago today, I made the best decision I've made in my entire life. I married my best friend.


  1. Yay for wedding anniversaries! I love your wedding pics!

  2. You look so beautiful and happy.

  3. I forgot how beautiful your cake was! You look so pretty in those pictures. :) Congrats - it's nuts how fast the years go by.

    I had a dream with you in it last night... something about a drum major camp we were at (but not really a drum major camp - you know how dreams are, it made sense at the time). Heehe - it cracks me up that I still have random dreams like that even after all these years.

  4. Aww, so sweet! Love the pictures!

  5. You were the prettiest bride ever and somehow that photographer captured so many pictures that show how happy you both were to be together that day and still.

  6. That is a fabulous decision. Way to go. And happy anniversary!

  7. Call me crazy, but I LOVE wedding photos! I can't get enough. The embroidery on your dress is beautiful!

  8. oh happy day. I love wedding pics.

    I hope you guys had a great time in California. Did you still want to work on the quiet book or did you decide not to do it?

  9. Congratulations on 5 years. I'm glad I found your blog
