
I haven't totally been slacking over here...

I've just been busy working on something else.

Sorry about the lame video, blogger won't just let me upload the audio, which was the whole point... and in case you've never heard such audio before, let me explain.

That is the heartbeat of our next child. We are so excited to announce that I am currently almost 12 weeks pregnant. I'm due February 16th, 2010, and we really couldn't be happier that our family is growing.

To answer the usual questions, yes, this was planned, yes I've been sick, but nowhere near as sick as I was with my first two pregnancies, and this baby and Janey will be almost exactly the same distance apart as Breanne and Janey are. Really, we are so excited, and can't wait to have another wonderful addition to our family.

So please pardon my absence. I've been exhausted lately--growing people is hard work. Totally worth it, though.


  1. That's fabulous! Congratulations. I believe you...I bet growing people is hard work--good way to put it!

  2. That's an awesome way to do it - I'd never thought of doing a sonogram sound byte. :) I'm so glad you are telling people and you are doing well.

    We are coming down to West Jordan on the weekend of the 14th of August. We are going to go to Discovery Gateway, Hogle Zoo, and the Joseph Smith movie in Temple Square. I wondered if you and your girls and Cory wanted to join us at Discovery Gateway. We have a pass that will get 6 people in free, so you wouldn't have to pay for all your family. Let me know if you are going to be busy that weekend or if it is a possibility - I'm not exactly sure what day we'll go. What do you think?

    Take care!!

  3. Congratulations! That is wonderful news! Your kids are adorable and I'm glad you're adding another to the world!

  4. It's a boy; I can tell. :) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! And I have been wondering. :)

  5. Congratulations!

    And I always found the puking much harder work than the actually growing. But maybe they are one and the same.

  6. That is awesome! That would be crazy to have another girl...but afterall, they are the best!

  7. Again...Congrats. Great due date too, that's my birthday! I actually really love having my birthday near valentines. I hope it's a boy for you. It really is fun having at least one of each! Good luck!


  8. That is so exciting. Congrats! I am glad that you aren't as sick as your were with your other pregnancies.
