
And She's On Her Way!

That's right, I said she... She's most definitely a GIRL!!! I never thought I would have three girls... but I'm very, very excited.

Doesn't she look beautiful? We're pretty darn excited to have another girl (though a mite surprised, to be honest... that morning sickness thing totally threw me off), and can't wait to meet her. She seemed very happy during the ultrasound, and was opening her mouth constantly, as if to talk to and smile at us. She also managed to do a 180 while we were looking at her--when we first started looking at her, she was breech, and then towards the end, the technician mentioned that she needed her to move so she could get a better view of her heart (I LOVE looking at their hearts and brains--so cool!), and the baby obediently flipped to head down, giving her a better look. Hopefully she'll be that obedient when she comes out. :)

Another 17+ weeks, and she'll be good to get here. And it will be great, I'm sure!

In case you're wondering, yes, she does look just like her sisters--here are their profiles:


Janey (a little harder to see, she was a squirmy one!):

And no, not all babies look like mine in profile, in case you were wondering. These babies are definitely Kilger babies.


  1. I'm so excited to get to know her.

  2. Oh hooray!! How fun. I just love that ultrasound - it really doesn't matter what that baby is, just as long as the baby is healthy. I love knowing too - no matter if it's a boy or a girl.

  3. Yay! Congratulations from the Barrus family!

  4. Woohoo! Congrats. That will be so much fun!

  5. yahooo! congrats, and what a perfect profile!

  6. Wow, another girl! I never had sisters until I got married and got sisters-in-law. How lucky for your girls!

  7. I can't believe it either!, but how stinking fun to know! Your girls will adore her!! And you're quite perfect with girls so no worries about that. :) Congrats!!
