
I'm just sayin'...

This is me 16 weeks ago (I think on the day we found out I was pregnant):

This is the photo I posted at 15 weeks:

This is me today, at 21 weeks, in the same shirt:

I am definitely growing a baby.


  1. Twenty-one weeks? Really? So over halfway there? Sweet.

    I've never thought the girls looked that much alike, but I had to look twice to see that it's Janey in the pictures with you, not Breanne.

  2. I just love how Janey's in both the 15 weeks and 21 weeks pictures trying to share in the fun. So funny.

  3. YOU ARE growing a baby. :) I love belly pictures though.

  4. you are such a cute pregnant lady! i think i say that in all of your posts... but it's just true! i hope you're feeling great!
