
About Posting Every Day

Ok, so as much as I really wanted to get back into blogging, I am just not feeling it right now. I will continue to post every day, I think, because I'm hoping to get some sort of inspiration and desire to write, but I'm running out of things to say. I need to post real Halloween pictures, and about our trip to NH a couple weeks back, but both of those need to wait until I can get my pictures off my camera. Is there anything else you would like me to post about? Because I am rapidly running out of things to say, and don't have the energy to think up more creative posts. Life has just been super busy (maybe that's where Breanne gets that from...) lately, with primary, Halloween, and all my other projects going on, plus the pregnancy and chasing two girls around, and at the end of every day, I am tired. Give me something here. Let me know what you want me to tell you about, if anything. Otherwise, you'll just keep getting a picture or two with a few words scattered around it, and I will call it good. The choice is yours... unless I get a sudden spurt of energy, which isn't really very likely, sorry.


  1. Maybe you should try and slow things down a little bit... try not to do as much during the day, stop and look at the dirt or rocks that your girls want to show you... I have to tell myself to do that too, or else you will miss those little things. I am not saying you aren't doing that too... but you are pregnant and you have 2 very active girls.... so take some time to relax too, for you. *hugs*

  2. I have a friend who's doing the "post every day in November" and her titles start with, "Today, I am thankful for..." and then she just adds her thoughts and maybe a few pictures. I've loved it!

  3. You are so cute. This is why I do not attempt to post everyday, because I seriously don't have that much to say, and I'm not that creative! But I like *Liese's idea...and if I think of any other ideas, I'll let ya know =).

  4. Daily blogging? Wow, you're intense! I never have that much to say! Random pictures and a few words are what I'm thrilled to read!

  5. I saw "Becky" when I clicked on here to leave a comment and thought I was crazy because I couldn't remember leaving one earlier!

    Anyways, this is pretty much redundant to what she said...which made it all the more crazy...But there definitely is NOT enough going on in my life for daily posting. But props to you and I think you've been doing great! When you get the time to add those things to your blog I'm sure I'll love them! Also, more of those sweet little ideas like homemade baby-wipes are always welcome. I'll just keep adding them to my "someday in the future when I'm a mom" file with the paint and names selections...

    -the other becky :)

  6. I have an idea--post your easy, fast, our-family-eats-this-at-least-4-times-a-month recipes. Everyone's got 'em, but we all get stuck in ruts. I'll trade you for mine. :)

  7. I have no ideas to offer you for things to post about, but I always love to read whatever you write and of course, I love the photos.

    Especially today's pic of the cutest girl I know.

    word verification: alizes: (noun); new hybred reptile discovered in Orlando, FL; cross between an alligator and two small, brown lizards. Two because they are EVERYWHERE in Florida.
