
A Few Lists

Things that made me laugh today:

--Jake trying to take out the bench at El Roncho
--Breanne trying to tell Cory about McDonald's, and his refusal to understand her until she said the word correctly
--Janey walking around with a zebra poking out of her mouth
--Janey's fake laugh every time she saw a dog
--the Baby's hiccups

Things that didn't make me laugh today:

--Breanne falling out of the car on her forehead

Other things that generally made me happy:

--getting UP on Blu-Ray for 11.36
--getting the girls ADORABLE matching sweater dresses for Christmas... the last two Target had, in their exact sizes. SO excited!
--Preach My Gospel class--oh how I miss going to adult classes on Sundays... this makes up for it a little bit
--A really great lunch with my family, and my girls who actually ate

Overall, a great day. Minus the fall, but don't worry, she's ok. :)


  1. A fake laff over a dog? random!!!

  2. A fall? Shall I bring cool compresses and skittles? And chocolate milk for Janey?

    And I agree, the fake laugh at JoJo the other day at my house was most entertaining.
