
Cousin Day

Today we were surprised with not one but two visits from cousins--and it was fantastic.

First of all, Shilo, Audrey and baby Ellie came down. Breanne and Audrey spent a little time playing princesses, eating oranges, and making bracelets:

And is this not the cutest little girl? Love those dimples!

And so sweet asleep...

And then, Chris, Becca and Claire came down for a little visit this afternoon. The girls enjoyed playing princesses, babies, and generally running around chasing each other, jumping and throwing balls...


  1. Those are some great pics! I hope that tired out your girlies as much as it tired out my Audrey... :D
    Thank you for letting us come and invade your house for a little while it was nice to get out of the house.

  2. I love the photos. So glad somebody got some new shots of baby ellie and her dimples!

    And I love the pictures with Claire. It isn't easy to capture their speed with a camera!

    Well done!
