

Today I found myself thinking "man I wish these pants were more flattering and didn't require me to pay attention to my legs."

I was asked at least 4 times tonight how much longer I have until the baby comes.

Breanne is actually really good at rolling cookie dough into balls.

Apparently our dining room window looks into a bathroom window in the house next door. A shower window, to be precise. And it allows one to view from thigh to above a person's head. Yeah, it's a big window. How have I lived here for 2 1/2 years without noticing this before? Not something I wish I'd noticed.

Janey was having a rough day, I hope she isn't getting sick. I always hate laundry day because I have to sneak her (white) blankie away to wash it, and the whole time it's gone she asks me "where blay-bah?" and I have to say "I don't know. Can you find it? How about you find your doll instead?" to try to distract her.

The guy building the carport on the house next door started pounding away on the roof at 7:00 this morning. Isn't there some sort of noise ordinance to prevent stuff like that?

Breanne asked to go to bed tonight before dinner. She got a new light in her room that she was desperate to use. We made her stay up a while to eat.

Did I mention that at the beginning of my pregnancy, ALL 4 of my sisters-in-law were pregnant? Shi had a baby pretty quickly after that, but the rest of us lasted until about a week and a half ago--check us out:

(that's Cory's oldest younger sister, his brother's wife, his second oldest younger sister, and me, due in Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb, respectively)

Can you believe we lined up for a photo like that? That's just silly. But I love it. Especially since Kimmy had her baby a week after it was taken.


  1. This may be one of my favorite photos ever blogged. I love that your babies will all have cousins so close in age! SO FUN. I also love that you're all due one month after another. You couldn't have planned it more perfectly if you tried!

  2. The shower thing is sure interesting...do they not have blinds or curtains in such an important room? I also loved the pregnancy picture! And I hope the light was everything Breanne had hoped it would be!

  3. So glad Kimmy had her baby!... and I loved the photo! Blay-bah, huh? Interesting name! Way to distract her though... gotta keep things smelling good!

  4. Yes, it was silly to line up like that... but it's not every day that four people in one family are pregnant and living in the same area at the same time! It had to be done. :)

  5. Wow! That is pretty crazy having them one month after the next. Fun family times!

  6. I love these random thoughts. And that pregnant picture is awesome... not silly!! :)

  7. OH MY GOSH. That girl on the left has the biggest pregnant belly of anyone I've ever seen!! That is awesome.

  8. I don't think that picture is silly. You'll treasure it. I can just see it being shown on 3-D overhead projectors at family reunions 20 years from now. Thanks for posting. :)

  9. I asked your dad if I looked like Cory's sister when I was pregnant because my mom always said it looked like I had a watermelon under my shirt sticking out the long way, and, smart man that he is, he took a look at the picture and immediately shook his head violently back and forth, no. No way.

    I will never know, because I was never knowingly photographed pregnant. I love seeing pictures like the one you posted and sometimes wish I had some of those of me and my sister-in-laws because we were often pregnant at the same time too.

  10. LOVE the picture! It's not silly at all. And I'm so glad Kimmy had her baby! That's the biggest baby belly! And it's all right there in her belly. TOO cute!!
