
New Family

We've known for a while now that we'd eventually need a bigger vehicle to fit our growing family. I mean, we can squeeze 3 carseats in the Sonata, but it would be WAY tight until Breanne could sit in a backless booster. We felt a change was probably needed. So, when the opportunity came up in the last few days for us to sell our Elantra, we felt like this would be a good time to go through that change. After a day and a half of being reminded why we want and sort of need more than one vehicle, we are very pleased to present to you the newest member of our automobile family:

Odyssey. I love her. She's a 2006, and has just over 43,000 miles on her (she was leased out in a previous life, I believe), and is a beauty. She has 8 seats, though we'll most often just have 7 installed (to make access to the back row easier), so plenty of room to grow, and was just very well taken care of. I plan to continue that. Now I just need to figure out the fancy-schmancy heating system and cd changer. And decide whose carseat is going where... I'm excited to be a little more prepared for our new baby girl.


  1. HOW FUN!!! That looks like a wonderful van. :)

  2. So happy that you have officially joined the family car/minivan ranks. She is a beauty indeed.

    And so enjoyed seeing you and your family today. Very thankful you all live so close.

  3. oh...new cars, so fun.

    And I won't make fun of you for having a minivan since with kids in car seats it makes total sense.

  4. Congrats! How exciting to be filling up a van. :)
