

So while my girls are fighting more than ever before (Janey has figured out that she doesn't always have to do whatever Breanne wants, which leads to occasional... or regular... tension), they also are learning to play nicely together on purpose, which I love. Here are just a few pics I took a week or so ago that showcase that somewhat--

Posing for "nice sister" pictures:

Breanne discovered that the outside edge of her puzzle makes a nice picture frame... and forced Janey to be a part of her photos:

And a cute one of each girl--
Breanne wanted her frame:

And Janey just wanted to pose with her "ruff"--what she calls dogs:


  1. It'll be so fun to see all three girls lined up! :)

  2. Those are great pictures. Great girls.

    They remind me so much of you and Stu at that age. You two got along so well until you realized that you didn't always have to do what he said. Man was that frustrating to him. That is probably where Breanne and Janey are different from you guys. Stu bossed you around, you refused, but he persisted. I think Breanne seems to get frustrated and gives up. Probably the difference between girls and boys...
