
On Voting

It makes me happy when my votes make a difference--local politics are so different from national in that way.


While I'm not entirely certain what to expect from these politicians the next four years, I am excited by the prospect of good change--Provo politics have gotten so messed up. I'm tired of all the drama about renting out basements and duplexes vs. accessory apts. vs. MIL apts. and other zoning issues--it all just makes me want to move away from this city, which otherwise I love. And after all of this drama, which involved almost all the people on my street (but not us, as we didn't have a sign in our yard), I am just ready to be done with all the campaigning (and smear-campaigning). Here's hoping for a great next 4 years, full of good change for all us homeowners.


  1. I think it's pretty interesting that 10% of the population determines what the other 90% are going to live with the next few years (politically speaking that is). It seems that most people are either happy with those results or just don't care.
    (I took my numbers from the link you sent as well as a census number from Wikipedia). People seem to feel that their vote doesn't matter, but in reality it very well could. They just need to do it.

    I didn't make it out to vote yesterday, but I don't think we had a race as interesting as yours. Not to mention I think I have a semi-reasonable excuse :)

  2. This has pretty much nothing to do with your post, but when I read your title on my Google Reader, I thought it said, On Vomiting" and I was very concerned you were sick. :)

  3. I've never been good at voting. But it does sound like you had an interesting race!

  4. All the signs drive me nuts too.

  5. I think that here in Provo, many of the residents just don't care, Stu, because they're students, planning on being here for 4 years or so. Even as far out from campus as where we live, at least half our ward is students, I'd guess.

    I'd never really realized just how much our votes *do* matter in these smaller races, and just how important having the right officials is--the last few years have seen some pretty outrageous stuff down here (if you ask me, anyway) (which you did, because this is my blog. :)).

    I would bet that close to half of the "residents" of Provo are renters, who don't really feel affected by the results of these elections, even though they potentially could be (the district council members have been fighting to get rid of basement apartments... period. That would be huge for renters). It's hard for me to believe that someone else should have control over my basement apartment, which has been around for longer than any of the officials have been alive...

    Anyway, like I said, I'm anxious to see what these next few years bring. Glad I made it out to vote, too. And I definitely think you have an excuse, though I'd guess there's some sort of mail in vote thing you could've done, had you really wanted to. :)

  6. Until you mentioned the basement apartment thing a few months ago, I'd had no idea politics in Provo could be so intense. I guess I'm more than a bit amazed (also amused and annoyed) that with all of the issues that most big towns have like gangs and violent crimes and speeders and litterers and jay walkers (and Provo is a big town, at least in Utah) that the candidates choose to focus on whether or not home owners can do what they want with their property, like rent out their basements. I know, not everybody who lives upstairs from a basement apartment owns the house, but like you said, such a huge percentage of the residents in Provo are renters and/or students at the church-run university there in town, so wouldn't you think the city leaders could find something other than rental units to focus on and to blame all of the crime on? sheesh.

  7. oh, I forgot to ask, was the winner pro-renters or anti-renters?

  8. Pro-renters. Thank heavens. He plans to improve the police and fire support to stop crime that way, which will hopefully increase value and draw in long term dwellers. We'll see how much he can do in a few short years, I guess.

  9. Oh Provo!

    Charles had a really good laugh when he read the article, actually...especially since he's dealt with the city and it's politics.
