
SUPER tired...

Breanne tells me that frequently these days, most often when she doesn't want to do something--either she's "super tired", or "super busy"--she cracks me up. Well, today I sent her to go to the bathroom, she gave me the usual tired excuse, I sent her anyway. I realized a few minutes later that she was being awfully quiet, so I went in to check on her, and this is what I found:

I guess she really was "super tired." So, like any good mom, I covered her up and let her sleep for 2 hours.


  1. I guess from now on if she's got an excuse you'll just have to believe her!

  2. I love that you didn't move her off the bathroom floor. You crack me up.

  3. Hilarious. Scott falls asleep in his high chair some mornings eating breakfast and I have given up feeling guilty about letting him sleep there.

  4. If that's what she does when she's super tired, what does she do when she's super busy? TOO CUTE! :)
