
Felt Hand Puppets

So a month or so ago, I agreed to make puppets for my own girls, two nieces, and two sort-of nephews. I figured 6-8 puppets for each set of kids, no biggie. Right? Well, I'm not sure I can express how glad I am to have these done. They weren't overly hard or anything, and actually I enjoyed the creative process part of making them--they were just so time consuming, and I'm tired of staying up until 1-2:00 am to finish them. I am pretty proud of how they all turned out, though. See for yourselves:

Wild-ish animals:

Farm-ish animals

And all the kids themselves:

And everybody all together:

So, Stu and Shi, if you read this, let me know who you think would like which puppets--I'm willing to give up any of them, as I still have plenty of felt leftover to make new ones for my own girls. Just leave them a couple, so they don't feel left out. :)


  1. They look awesome! Sadly I'm still up, too...

  2. Heartwarming to see your talents. I sometimes fear that such activity will not move on to the next generations because of our high tech world. Keep up the good work!

  3. I love these on so many levels. LOVE them!

  4. Your puppets are so cute! I am so impressed with your sewing skills. I also loved the little play tent that you made last year.

  5. those are awesome! that looks like so much work... good job!

  6. Those are too stinkin' cute! I love the Wild ones...especially the monkey!

  7. Okay. A couple of comments. These are all quite simply adorable. Stu and Shi and other receivers of these must express deep, sincere, over-the-top gratitude. I'm pretty sure I'd be unwilling to give them up.

    And second. Go to bed, girl! You are not exhausted from having three kids--you're exhausted from staying up too late!

    Love, mom. :)

    ps they are adorable.

  8. Cute cute cute cute cute cute!

  9. supa cute!!!
    have a wonderful christmas!

  10. Thanks for your photos. I used them to help me make some puppets with my mum that i need for my collection for play therapy work. You did a great job. Karen, England.

  11. The puppets are just beautiful, perfectly done with detaill, still they have a simplicity missing in the ready made ones in stores. Most commendable...a labour of love! Will u take orders for my daughter 's princess party next month?! I live in India though!
