
Toddler Quilts FINALLY Finished!

So a year ago, I started attending a block-of-the-month quilting group. At the time I wasn't sure who I was making a quilt for, but I enjoyed the company of the women in the group enough that I wanted to participate in the project anyway. So I took Janey with me to JoAnn's and together we picked out some nice bright fabrics to make her a quilt. Come March, we realized the current bed situation wasn't working for us, and started talking about toddler-sized bunk beds. So I started making the blocks with two beds in mind. Well, last week, I finally finished up the quilts. I am SO pleased with how they've turned out, and the girls love them, too, because they feature their favorite colors in the borders and sashing. I realized, in this project, that quilting isn't necessarily my thing, but it's probably good for me to do it. It requires a lot of patience, as you iron, cut, sew, iron, cut, sew, iron, repeat a million times over. I've taken to lots of very simple, quick projects (and don't get me wrong, I still love those, too), so this has been a good change for me as I've tried to break out of some of my lazy ways.

So, without further ado, here are the quilts!

Janey's (in what else but purple, of course!):

And Breanne's (in red, like her hair):

They aren't perfect by a long shot, and I didn't take them in to be quilted, just ran along the edges of the blocks and borders to pull them together, but I really like how they turned out. More like puff quilts. Nice and cozy, which is great for two little girls sleeping against the edge of a cold house.

P.S. If the fabrics look familiar, it's because you saw them back when I made Cailin's bumpers... Yay, matching bedding all around!


  1. Those are beautiful. I don't know if I would have the guts or patience to do that. Wow...

  2. You are awesome.

    word verif: ablecat

    See, even google recognizes your awesomeness.

  3. Those look so stinkin' cute! I love that all the blocks are different. I also really love the bright colors. Way to go!

  4. Wow! These look great! I love the colors you chose.

  5. Jessie, you are amazing! Seriously, those look wonderful =). I definitely would not have the patience for quilting! I can't believe you were doing all of this, and all of those other "little" projects you mentioned. Lazy? HA!

  6. Those are seriously cute. And are those yellow argyle babylegs? Love your quilts. Truly. I need to get cracking and get Creamies finished... Ok, started. Her room is looking so lonely!

  7. Really cute! It's such a great feeling to finish a project, isn't it?

  8. Jessie those are LOVELY. Why didn't I get a sewing gene? I really hate it, so I never do it. :) But I love the finished product.
