

So remember back when I told you about The Works toilet cleaner, and how much I love it? Well, I still do. I wasn't sure I'd ever like another product as much. Last night, though, I discovered something I might be willing to compare. Not for cleaning toilets this time, though. This time, it's my grout. Our kitchen floor constantly looked dirty because our grout had gotten so gross. So once again, I turned to my friend google, who informed me that I should try some OxiClean on it. Yes, the laundry detergent booster. And can I say, AMAZING!

Our floor before:

Same spot after:

A couple things--I read that you should mix 1.5 C water with one scoop of OxiClean, and then use a spraybottle to distribute it on the floor. Now, I took that to meant that I could dump it all in my spraybottle and then shake it up. Uh, my bottle nearly exploded. Apparently there's some sort of chemical reaction that happens there. I'd recommend just mixing it up in a bucket, and then distributing it with a sponge, then scrubbing it with a scrubber. No, you don't have to scrub much, I promise. My floors were just especially bad. And last, just know that you'll have to mop it with fresh water a couple times to get the powder residue all up. Totally worth it, though. My kitchen looks amazing. Seriously.

PS. Please don't bug me about how dirty my floors were before. I know. I. Know. That is all.


  1. Wow! I love household tips. We don't have tile in our place so I won't need this one, but I like posts like this--so practical. :)

  2. I have nothing to say about the clean grout, well, except, good jorb, but I wanted to tell you how cute that photo is of the girls. I like that their hands are in motion and Cailin is looking so happy.

  3. Wow! What a difference! Definitely going to have to take a mental note of that. I always hated cleaning the grout of our bathroom in NH.
    And I'm with your mom. Loving the new header picture. I just want to clap right along with Cailin. She's standing all by herself! What sweet girls. I miss you guys...

  4. As a male, I feel you should know it took me about five minutes to spot the difference between the "before" and "after" shots.

    That is all.

  5. thanks for sharing the tip!!!
    a huge woot for clean floors!; i bet you're smiling every time you walk on it!

  6. Ooo! Awesome! I honestly didn't know grout could be anything but black after its first year of existence. Go figure. Your floor looks lovely and I'm thinking I should consult google about my icky wood floors!

  7. I love OxyClean. Not only good for that, but for cleaning spots on carpets too.

  8. Wow, that's amazing! I've never used OxiClean before, but I may have to try it now.

  9. This is AMAZING!! I have some weird grout issues with my 80 year old shower... I'll have to try this out!

  10. Wow. I kind of wish I had some tile so I could scrub it. That looks amazing! And I LOVE taking some thing from looking dirty to amazing. Hmmm, I think I'll go clean my toilets. Lovely.

  11. I want to go buy some OxyClean right NOW! Or just borrow some of yours, ha ha. My tile is nasty as well! I'm also excited to try your suggestion for toilet bowl cleaner!

  12. I tried your tip today. Thanks! Our grout was getting horrid, and you saved me so much hassle.
