
Why I Should Never Shower; or It's a Good Thing Cailin Turns One on Monday

Every day, whenever I think the girls are preoccupied enough, I hop in the shower. Usually I try to do this while at least one child is napping, but Thursdays are hard, because we have dance at 11:00, which is normally when Cailin naps. Today, the girls were playing nicely, so I decided to risk getting in while all three girls were awake.

This is post "I cleaned up, Mom! I cleaned up the mess!"

Yes, those are honey nut. No, babies aren't supposed to have honey (or nuts, really), until after they're one.

Cailin couldn't be happier about it all.

Good thing she'll be one on Monday. How is she so old already?


  1. I love Cailin's pjs. And is it horrible that I've been giving Naomi Honey Nut since about 9 or 10 months? haha

  2. While there is actual honey in name-brand Honey Nut Cheerios, there is only almond flavoring.

    The Malt-O-Meal brand uses honey, too, but doesn't even bother with almond flavoring.

    The more you know!

  3. SO cute Jessie! I can't believe how old your girls are getting.
