
Just Girls

So while Cory was out of town for his interviews this morning, the girls and I went and had a few pictures taken. I'm thinking, if Cory's leaving us here, he ought to have a decent picture of us there. So my awesome friend Rachelle took a bunch for us. You can see them on Rachelle's blog, LaRee Photography. Cailin had a really rough night last night, and wanted NO part of being out in the cold, and screamed pretty much the entire time. Janey was just cold. And Breanne was complaining about the sun being in her eyes (sounds strangely like some guy I married). And yet, I still feel like we got some good shots. Rachelle is just that good. :)


  1. SO CUTE! I LOVE them! Breanne and Janey were absolutely adorable and I adored your wardrobe choices. They all seemed very suiting for their personalities and the colors were so fun and spring-y. :) Now I feel the need to go out and get professional pictures done. :)

  2. p.s. I especially like the pictures of Breanne and Janey together. The one where they're hugging? So precious!

  3. You are right--I love this post! Such a good idea and perfect subjects.

  4. I am clearly really behind, I just now saw this post and those pictures. They look great! And I, too, love the outfits and feel like I need to go take some pictures of our family.
