

Ok, so apparently my cryptic-ness isn't appreciated. But I've been sitting on some news for nearly a month now, and it's kind of killing me. As in I think I've lost 5 pounds just from thinking about it. So, here it is.

We're moving. To California. Cupertino. (It's at the base of the SF bay, if you don't know where that is). (It's also Apple Headquarters). Do you see where I'm going with this?

That's right, Cory's taking a new job, working at Apple. Whether he actually works *for* Apple, or with a contract company there (TCS, who has already made him an offer) is yet to be decided, as he has one last interview at Apple on Tuesday. The decision we make after that is what I was waiting for to tell you all about this, but (in case you haven't noticed), I'm not a big fan of crazy, and not everyone knowing what's going on was causing a bit too much crazy for me. So there it is.

This post is making me sound angry and bitter. I should change my tone, because honestly--we're pretty darn excited about the whole thing. I'm scared out of my mind at the prospect of leaving Utah (I've never been out of the state for more than 2 weeks) and my family, raising my kids in a place like California, and learning to navigate a non-grid-system area, but I'm SO excited for us to have our own adventure. In a new place for all of us. It will be OUR time, as our little family. And of course anyone is more than welcome to come visit whenever they want. :) Driving through the redwoods to get to the beach... yes please. And 70 degree weather... I can handle that, for sure. (The cost of California is a different story, but the salary in the current job offer is such that I'm trying not to worry too much about that. Yet. The numbers all work out in our favor, so it should be good). Also, Cory's parents gave us a GPS for Christmas. It's like they knew I'd need it or something. Anyway, the real reason that we are taking one of these jobs is simple. If you know Cory at all, you know that this has been a lifelong dream for him. How many people actually get to live their dreams out? And how could I ever even consider saying no? I am so, so, so excited for my husband to get to take a chance to do something he's always loved. He is so good to our family, and he truly deserves this.

The real reason I haven't told many people about this yet is just because there are still so many variables, so many questions, that we don't have answers for. We don't know if we'll have an actual job offer from Apple yet, we don't know which offer we'll end up taking if there is a second, we don't know when all our family will move, we don't know what we're going to do with our current house in the current market, etc. We do know that if Cory takes the current offer he has, he'll start working on the 21st, possibly the 22nd. Of February. Yes, next week. Crazy, right? But also, we know that the girls and I will stay here at that time, until Cory finds a nice place for us to all live, and we're able to pack everything up and move it. It'll be a few weeks at least. We're guessing in the ballpark of 6, though the thought of being here on my own that long kind of makes me cringe. I seriously look forward to when Cory comes home for lunch every afternoon, and when he's done with work for the day. So do the girls. I know so many women can do it all on their own, and I will be able to, too, but I am positive we'll miss him. Immensely. So I'd like to keep our separation as short as possible.

There are so many things that we are going to miss about where we currently are. We love our house, our neighbors, our ward, our friends, our activity groups, the area in which we live--so while this current situation is very, very sweet, there is a lot of bitter in there, too. Thankfully, we still have blogs, facebook, and Skype and iChat to keep us all in touch with everyone. This is going to be a great change, but not an easy one.

And that is the story. You may all stop freaking out now. Thank you.


  1. Sad but good. We will be on that boat when john is done with school. Who knows what job he will get and where we will end up. Um...this means I better get my butt to your house. This thursday might work. We have to do a ultrasound for tristan in riverton at 9 30 thursday morning. Hopefully I can come over though. You will for sure be missed

  2. Wow! Big stuff! Congratulations and good luck!!!

  3. That is so exciting! I know what you mean about moving and starting new in another place!...it takes a little bit of time, but like you said it is and ADVENTURE! And if it is what you guys are meant to do then hey, you will have Heavenly Father on your side the whole time! I hope that Cory gets the job at apple! This is so cool!!
    Well, I bet we will be hearing about everything as things unfold! It is crazy news, but fun ones!! Sad you will be even further that way!!...Good luck with everything...and we will stay in touch on facebook and our blogs...(we are doing it already)

  4. Big changes! How exciting though. Congrats to your little family and good luck in CA!

  5. Oh my goodness my friend!! I can't believe it - but congratulations. I'm so happy for you that you've found a job - that's amazing and something Cory loves so much.

    I'll miss you - although we haven't seen each other in the flesh in a long time. You are right, we'll keep up over the internet. But I can't believe I probably won't see you before you move!!

  6. We are excited to see you! 6 weeks is about right if you want to rent a home and not an apartment close to Apple. Homes are not really open right now - well I guess it depends on the area and your budget. :) I know a ton of lds apple families live in cupertino, campbell and san jose. We ended up in Mountain View with all the googlers- the only thing really open we could find when we first moved out here. Everything should open up in a month or two. Take your time and if you move with Apple, they do have a moving package so take advantage of that free time in temp housing! E-mail us if you need anything. We are here to help when you come, apple or not!

  7. P.S. It was 70 degrees last week. We went to the beach. Excited you can come join in!

  8. WOW!!! Congrats! I'm really excited for you guys!!

  9. Wow! Congrats on the new adventure. I'm excited to follow along (on the the blog..not in a stalker way).

  10. Congrats on this opportunity! It's definitely a scary venture - but will definitely be worth it.

    I have family in the Lodi/Stockton area, some in San Fran and we're facing the prospect of moving to Lancaster sometime this year as well. So you'll have to let me know what worked with your move and what didn't!

    Also - if you need a real estate agent - I know a great one. My brother. :)

  11. oh boy. that is a huge change; we're in teh midst of deciding our futuer too... and it's scary. way to go on taking the plunge! so wonderful that he'll work for apple (ish) what a great company!!!

  12. How thrilling for you all! Best of luck in all the negotiations, moving, and other related stuff--but that is just amazing and wonderful. Yay you guys! (I know your mom will miss you...but she'll come visit in CA.)

  13. Wow! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys (and honestly a little jealous that you guys are moving out of Utah)!

    Let me know if you guys need any help with anything!

  14. i've said it before, but i will say it again... california is super lucky to have you. and i feel blessed that i got to know you better before you guys leave- you really have blessed our lives and we love you :)
    i agree... life with blogs and facebook sure make me feel better about it all, and the fact that YOU are happy about the move makes it easier to see you guys go, too. LIVE THE DREAM!!! :)
    and um, sorry if i caused all this. i thought it was fine to announce since Jeff said that Corey announced it in priesthood...

  15. Thats so super exciting!I'm glad you get to have your adventure, and also experience such an inviting climate!! Soak up lots of vitamin D for us!!!

  16. Sheesh...some people will do anything to get lots of comments on their blogs...


  17. Wow. What a change! But I am excited for you. And a little jealous. I kind of wish that we were going on an adventure to have OUR time, with our own little family. And good luck with everything. When you are getting ready to pack up your house call me. I'm really good at packing other people's stuff.

  18. Wow! Good luck and have a great time!!

  19. How exciting for you guys! I wish you the best!
