
Plaid Top

So school is rapidly approaching (Breanne and Janey will both be in school this fall, can you believe it?!?), and while I've bought the girls each a few things, I also have had some fabric hanging around waiting to be made into shirts. This is the first of what will be several, if I find the time.

I kind of love the way it came out, especially the bias casing in the middle. I made my own pattern to make it, but really, it was super simple all in all. I'm working my way up to a non-peasant-top neckline, and who knows, maybe even buttons with button holes will be next. We'll see. :)

P.S. Don't ask what skirt she's wearing with it, this girl definitely has her own ideas about style. The other day I was voicing a concern I have about her being made fun of because she wears homemade clothes. Then when I asked her to put on something to match her new shirt and she came back with this skirt (second try, even, the first was worse... haha), it hit me that maybe I don't have to be super concerned about what I make that she likes to wear... just how she puts them together. Funny girl.


  1. That is really cute! You seriously are so talented. I'm a little jealous :)

  2. I like that casing.... Creamie is going to have mostly handmade clothes too. I love this pink plaid! So cute.

  3. That top is fabulous. (I'm trying to use words besides adorable. Because it is adorable. And fabulous.)

  4. Beautiful! I love the fabric and the style... so cute!

  5. Wahhh... I want a girl too ;) Very cute dresses you made. Very cute.

  6. How did you do the bias casing? It adds a fantastic touch to the shirt! so cute.

  7. I've heard of moms hanging their kids clothes in outfits and then letting them choose from those outfits. Or color coding tags and telling them "go pick a pink tag top and bottom" and you've already pre matched them in color families so they'll go well together. Anyway, not that I've tried this, but there you go.

    Also don't be afraid of button holes they are super easy, at least on my machine.

  8. This is adorable! Love the bias casing as well.

  9. That's a great style you chose and the top turned out so well! I always think it's a double-score when your child likes what you make! Enjoy this!!!!

  10. oops! I forgot to thank you for stopping by my blog. I so appreciate the encouragement!
