
Gauze Skirt

Man do I need better names for the stuff I make.

Anyway, a week or two ago, I (re)found this white eyelet gauze fabric I'd bought for round one of the flower girl dresses, which didn't end up making the cut. It's funny how sometimes I think a fabric will be perfect for one thing, then a while later, I see it again and come up with a totally new idea. As soon as I saw it that day, I knew it was destined to be a flowy skirt for Breanne. And thus it became.

Disclaimer on the photos. I just wanted a nice, sunny picture in our front room of Breanne wearing the dang skirt. Instead, I got about a million of these:

Thanks so much, barbie.com, for teaching Breanne and Janey the importance of "posing" in front of a camera.

And then these:

Where at least you can see the skirt. No luck on a picture of her happy face while wearing the skirt, but I guess I'll take what I can get. It's just a simple skirt, three slightly gathered layers, elastic waist, just a zigzag finish on the bottom to keep it from fraying, but not even a hem. I like the flow of it, without the hem to weigh it down. Has many imperfections, but I really do like the way it came out. And so does Breanne, which makes me happy.


  1. Super cute, I love them! Good job!

  2. Cute skirt. Adorable girls. Can't decide which shot I like the best.

    Mostly I can't believe how long Breanne looks. Growing up that one is.

    She reminds me so much of Cory's cute sisters.

  3. Those pictures might not be what you were looking for, but they sure are cute.
