
Oh Kids

Do you ever just feel a need to start a post out with a big ol' sigh?


Today has been one of those days. Crazy kids, not enough sleep, barely making it through Sacrament meeting... just long. And then we got home from church, ate some lunch with grouchy kids, and sent Breanne and Janey up to B's room to play while C napped. Breanne came down to get her scissors, and told me she was going to be cutting some paper and fabric with them. Which we've been doing a lot of lately, so I was fine with.

Fast forward 1/2 hour or so, and in walks Janey with a new hairdo.

I actually had the audacity to think, just yesterday, that maybe we'd somehow skipped this childhood rite of passage with Breanne. Shoulda knocked on wood, I guess. Honestly, I think the pixie sort of cut looks pretty cute on Janey, but I wish it was something we decided on together. I was so shocked by it all that I didn't even think to take a picture of the sisterly cut job, all these are post my fixing. Breanne actually did a reasonable job, but I can't encourage this by telling her so and taking pictures!

Just in case you can't remember what her hair looked like before, here are a few pictures I took of Janey on Weds. after she asked me to try to make her hair straight (and I worked on it for 20 minutes with a brush and blowdryer and mousse):

I'm hoping the curls will come back.

Sometimes I feel like closing a post with an extra sigh.



  1. I did the same thing to my sister when I was about that age...

  2. I had no idea Janey's hair was so long. The cut is adorable but after seeing it blown out, I can imagine how upset you must have been. I seem to remember your brothers doing the same thing and having to give all three buzz cuts...

  3. So sad! But it is a very cute cut.

  4. Oh NO! She looks darling with the new do! She would look cute any way you did her hair.

    So funny, I had thought the same thing with Ava, and then that same week she cut her own hair. Law of attraction...

  5. sorry for a rough day. :( hope things today are muuuuuch better!

  6. I know how you feel, but mine are not sighs, they are roars of frustration. Good job for you not freaking out! Janey's hair is totally cute though. The last time M cut here hair I told her I'd cut it all off if she did it again. Maybe that can be their incentive to not cut hair also!

  7. This is why when my son's preschool teacher told us that he had poor scissor skills, all I could was think, "But isn't this a good thing?"

  8. You are brave, I would CRY if that happened to one of my girls. I'm a huge fan of long hair. But that pixie cut is super cute on her. Oh man, I'm dreading the day D cuts her hair. I'm not sure if Claire ever will. We'll see... she's pretty happy with long hair.

    My good friend JeriLynn has a daughter Claire's age that has cut her hair 14 times. I'm not even kidding. When you ask her why, she'll tell you flat out that she likes having short hair.

  9. Oh, her inner beautician just had to come out, didn't it? I think my friend Lori's mother felt the same way when I cut her hair with my new snoopy electric scissors! Thanks so much for coming to my blog! So fun to meet new friends!
