
Janey Starts Preschool!

Once again--Not this brand new baby anymore:

Not this happy adorable one year old:

Not this crazy eyed demon two year old. :)

She isn't even this just-barely three-year-old anymore.

Nope, she's a great big preschooler now.
Ready with an outfit she chose (with slight disappointment that the skirt she begged me to make the night before her big day was pink, until I showed her that it matched the flowers on her shirt, and came with white leggings)

a backpack she helped pick out fabrics for (contents=some papers for her teacher, a water bottle and snack, and her blankie for show and tell...love her!) that she actually gets to use this year (turns out Breanne has to use a clear backpack, so can't use hers, long story short):

Yep, she's excited--

And she's ready.

And so am I. Mostly. Even if Cailin isn't so sure.

Yep, that's right. Janey is old enough for preschool. When did all this growing up happen?


  1. These pictures are so fun. Can't even tell she has shingles. Hard to believe she's such a big girl.
