
My New Bag

So I've been using the same bag since my birthday in 2008, and finally this summer, I decided to make myself a new one. After hemming and hawing over fabrics and styles for a few months, I found some fabric I loved, and just decided to go for an image I had in my mind. I'm sure there are a million bags like it out there in the world that probably influenced my thinking, but this one came purely out of my own head, my own measurements based on what I wanted the bag to hold, and my own way of assembling it. I really, really love how it came out.

The piping detail

the interior fabric is kind of what prompted the whole thing--it's a dusty coralish color, and I LOVE it in real life. Pretty here in a picture, but 10 times better in real life.

During the process, there were several moments when I questioned myself (most especially when I was trying to turn the straps, made of 3 pieces of corduroy for durability, plus the piping on the edges, which was where the real trouble was...), but seriously, now that it's done, I just love this bag. When I make this style of bag again (notice the when, not if...) I'll put a pocket inside, but in the meantime, I'm just enjoying the simple beauty of this bag.

I made this bag back in July at a RS craft night, but I'm finally posting about it now because I've decided, last minute, to enter it into the Purse Week competition over at A Lemon Squeezy Home. I don't expect to win, but I do love my bag, so I'm happy to show it off a little bit. :) Wish me luck!

PS. I'm also linking up to AmyLouWho's Sew and Tell for fun. I'm so glad she's back!


  1. Love it! Great job on the design!

  2. A cord purse is so awesome for fall! Great bag and the color combo is really nice :o)

  3. I've seen this bag and can confirm it is adorable.

  4. That bag is wonderful! I'm really impressed you made it.

  5. How big is this? I love it. I have a project with piping that I've been putting off for weeks. You once again inspire me to try something hard :)

  6. I love your bag. It turned out great! I would love a tutorial:)

  7. Love the piping, the corduroy, and the interior contrasting fabric.

  8. Cute job. I've never done piping before- is it hard? Do you know of a good tutorial for it? Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.

