
What's That? with Cailin

This video may start out a little bit slow, but around 30 seconds it gets super awesome. I recommend you watch it.


  1. I had no idea how to act like a robot, and thankfully now I know. ADORABLE!

  2. So cute! She is getting so BIG! It is so much fun the things that they pick up sometimes! adorable!

  3. Haha Love it! And I love that she just doesn't believe that it's a pig. Nope, Mom, you're wrong. It's a cow. I miss all of those girls!

  4. You're right. It IS awesome! I love how every time after she would say robot she would go "mommy! Robot." So cute. :) I had to watch it twice. :)

  5. Oh my goodness Jessie - she is so darn cute. What a bit girl. How come our kids have to grow up so fast? It kills me sometimes. I love the robot, and I loved hearing you laugh too. :)

  6. That's probably the cutest little robot I've ever seen!

  7. This is so hilarious. So Cailin. More video please. And photos. I know there were pictures being taken while I was there, but I didn't bring my camera. So sad about that.

  8. This is just so adorable! Me and Spence have watched it like 6 times, and we laugh at "the robot" every time! Miss you!

  9. you KILL me with your awesomeness.
    1. this video rocks, how can i teach my kids to do 'the robot' like cailin?
    2. your crafts are out of this world! i will never catch up to your greatness!!! holy cow, lady! you are so going to have your own show one day!
    3. lets go to the provo tabernacle open house together when its finished, yes?
    4. thanks for your great, uplifting, motivating, validating comment on my blog. you made my life.
    5. hugs to you and your cute family.
