
We're Thankful For...

I've been seeing "gratitude trees" all over the internet, and after seeing my friend Holly's yesterday, I finally decided to make one for us.  The girls and I spent this afternoon during Cailin's nap cutting, cutting, cutting, and then taping, taping, taping, and finally writing and taping some more.  :)

And thus was born, our Thankful Tree:

Yeah, a whole wall of gratitude tree... this house has huge walls, I never feel like I can do anything on a small scale.

Perhaps a little shy on leaves so far, but we have a whole bunch more to fill out over the next couple weeks.

Yep, I'm thankful for my sewing machine and serger.  And clean laundry.  Janey prefers flowers and school.

Breanne was certain to add an owl in a hole in the tree.

And then she wanted me to take a picture of her by the tree.  :)

She's thankful for red, mom, Hazel, dad, Janey...

And squirrels.  Still working on getting the s to face the right way.  :)

 Have I mentioned how much I love this wall in our house?  It's one of my favorite things about this house.  In case you don't remember (or I didn't tell you?), it also housed Cory's birthday wall,

and our colony of bats.

No, really, that's what a group of bats is called.  Also, I know some children who would be disappointed if I didn't ask if you see the sole upside-down bat.  He's a rebel.  :)

  I'm picturing snowflakes, hearts, birthday banners... I love it.  


  1. SUCH fun ideas and they look so NOT homemade!
    In the pic next to the tree hole, she has your face exactly. :)

  2. CUTE idea - I am TOTALLY stealing it. Thanks for the idea. :)

    Only problem... how did you find so much brown paper???

  3. hehe love the bats, and especially the rebel bat!

  4. I LOVE this!! seriously, love it! I totally want to do it...but realistically, I probably won't. Maybe I'll come up with a smaller scale, aka - quicker and easier, version to create =).
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You rock.

  5. What a wonderful children's idea! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

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