
Felt Dress-Up Dolls

A while back, we were in birthday-party-mode. We'd been invited to two birthday parties within two days of each other.  I was tired of spending money on gifts, and thus trying to figure out what to give to our 4- and 2-year old friends, when I remembered seeing these adorable felt dolls as part of a quiet book.  Now, I still want to make quiet books for the girls at some point, but when they realized what I was making for their friends, they begged me to make some for them, too.  And so, of course, I did.  Yeah, I'm pretty much crazy.

Meet Cailin, Janey, and Alisha, our friend.

And yes, I did make one for Breanne, too.  I don't remember why I didn't take pictures of it.  Also one for a friend, Willow.  I made 5 of these in an afternoon-evening.  A fun, reasonably easy project.  :)  My girls loved figuring out outfits to put together.

Each girl comes in a little book, with two pockets--one for big pieces of clothing, one for small pieces, like shoes and necklaces.

Everyday clothes--jeans and t-shirt

Dress and ballet flats

With the crown and necklace.  Because every girl is a princess and needs some bling.

More casual, some brown pants and loafers.

Red pj's.

Jacket, jeans, and cowgirl boots.  I wish I had boots like those.

Dancer.  My personal favorite.

More casual dresses, and you can't really tell in this pic, but pink maryjanes.  

Want to go swimming?  She does.

And since there are a couple people around here who refuse to wear anything but skirts...

So as you can see, nothing fancy, at all, but still a fun little project.  The exterior of the book matches the pockets, nothing fancy, but the girls loved picking out their own fabrics out of my stash.  You could easily make this a much more awesome and fun project by making more detailed clothing for the dolls, and fancying up the case, but I was going for quick and simple, so this is what we came up with.  I hope you like it.  My girls sure do... I was planning on taking these to church with us, but the one time I did, they spent the entire meeting "talking" to each other and playing back and forth, yelling about whose clothes are whose, instead of quietly changing their outfits.  Seriously, all I remember ever doing with barbies is changing their clothes.  These dolls aren't even 3D but they are fully animated.  Ahh, the joys of having multiple girls.  Sheesh.  :)


  1. I'm totally copying you on this. These are adorable!

  2. I made one of those too when I made a quiet book a few months ago. They are so fun.

  3. These are really cute. My mom has some that are magnetic, but I like the felt look better. Fun!

  4. So much better than paper dolls. And cute.

  5. I'm Thinking...
    you should be the mother of my children so that they can have cool toys made with love.

    I'm Thinking...
    that if I didn't like you so much I would be downright jealous of your sewing skills. oh wait, i am.

    I'm Thinking...
    those dolls are perfection.

  6. This is adorable! I saw something for boys which was a face with felt facial features: eyes, mustaches, noses, etc. Or I could make monsters. So many ideas (absolutely no time!)

  7. Now this is one I have to make for my granddaughters. Their mom will love this in church. I hope!

  8. Oh, I had to come back and follow with GFC. I can't wait to see more of your great ideas. http://grandmabonniescloset.blogspot.com/

  9. I absolutely love these! I love that you can start off small, and add outfits. I'm pinning this, and definitely gonna make it sometime. What a great gift. I bet you could make some ahead of time, and have them just for in case you have a last minute party.

  10. These are absolutely adorable! What a great idea!

  11. Super cute! My niece would love one of these!!!

  12. Those are so cute! What a great gift to give!

  13. I love it! I've been thinking of something similar for my daughter for Christmas.

  14. That is so cute. My little girls would love these. Hope to see you at DIY Home Sweet home. I'm your newest follower. Cute blog

    P.S. I have a linky every Monday. Would love for you to stop by and link up.

  15. Great idea! Thank you for sharing!

  16. Great idea for car rides! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  17. Hi, there! This is the most clicked and favorite blog of the week. I'll feature this tomorrow and thank you for linking up in the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)
