
I'm Still Here

Sorry, I know it's been a long time since I posted last, but I just want you all to know that I'm still here, I promise. Just neck deep in Christmas projects. I'm really excited to show them all to you, but sadly, my daylight hours for taking pictures are filled with children who can't see the finished products. So, you're just going to have to wait, at least until tomorrow when 2/3 kids will be at school. I'm pretty excited about all the stuff I've been working on, and I can't wait to show you.

 In the meantime, here are a few random pictures of Cailin, because she's got style.

She loves this hat.  Seriously, loves.  And for a while there, she couldn't care less what you wanted to put on her, as long as she got to pick out her own socks.  Which were always babylegs, which she could pull on herself (see above picture).  Good thing I've made about a million pairs for her.

Ooh baby, dark socks with the sandals.  Which I swear I put away.

And a big ol' Ta-Da! for climbing on top of the side table.  Kids.  Sheesh.  :)  And yes, those are the bats in the background, this is a slightly old pic.  Christmas decorations are mostly up these days.

Hopefully a more exciting post soon!


  1. What a funny girl! I LOVE baby legs... but for some sad reason I don't have a single pair for D.

  2. I love those baby legs in those baby legs.

  3. Your daughter does have style!! I think toddler style is the best. :-) I totally understand what you mean about not being able to take good pictures. These short days make it hard to blog!!!
