
New Shirt for Me!

So a few months ago, I bought myself a new shirt, to wear in our family pictures.  

Despite my crazy face in the picture, I love the shirt.  Except for the sleeves.  It has these weird flutter sleeves that do nothing for me.  Nothing.  So, I always cover them up with a jacket.  I've been thinking lately that I should just replace the sleeves, but I haven't found a fabric that matches well enough to do it. And to be honest, I didn't want to mess up the shirt.  Anyway.  So yesterday, during my restful Sabbath, I decided to just attempt to make a new version of the shirt, with a sleeve I like.  I did my best at creating pattern pieces based on the original shirt.  My result:

Have to be honest, I'm kind of in love with the result.  I feel like it's the little details that totally make the shirt--the cuffs on the sleeves, the buttons, the gathers, and the neckline.

My first ever (faux!) button placket.  

I feel I must have you note, though, that the bottom has yet to be hemmed.  Not by my choice, but by the choice of my machine.  (We're in a serious power struggle these days.  She thinks it's ok to skip 5 stitches in a row, I tend to disagree.  The sewing machine repair shop seems to think it's basically unfixable.  Truly a sad day).  So, if I ever get a machine that works again, I'll be hemming this baby up.  The vast majority of this shirt was actually done on my serger.  The neckline and button placket are the only pieces sewn on by my machine, and had to be redone a number of times to make them look reasonable and hide all the skipped stitches.  :(

Anyway, enough sob story from me, here it is on:

Yeah, I kind of love it.  Next time I'll make the sleeves slightly looser, but other than that, seriously, I'm so happy with how it came out. 


  1. You really are so talented. Teach me? And thanks for your comment on my last post. I need to hear that sometimes from someone other than Colin. :)

  2. Looks good! Doesn't look like it needs the hem. Though maybe you just took the pictures before any fray. You could probably just surge it and look good. Or surge on a bit of lace.

  3. isn't making your own patterns empowering!? love the top! all the little details totally make it!

  4. looks great!! I'm very impressed with your button placket. I'm sorry to hear of your machine power struggle. Maybe Santa will bring you a new machine.

    Also, you could always try to blind stitch the hem with your serger. I haven't tried it yet, but I know there is a way to do it.

  5. I think the shirt looks wonderful:) You did a great job! I need to make my own shirts too.

  6. That looks awesome. I have yet to delve into the world of really sewing clothes for myself, but this looks great! Congrats!

  7. Very cute! You did an amazing job creating your own design, and it looks terrific on you. So sorry about your machine, though. Hope you can get a new one soon!

  8. Great job!! I am so impressed. And I hope your machine starts cooperating soon, too.

  9. Awesome! Thanks for linking to Things I've DOne Thursday. Your shirt will be featured tomorrow!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  10. Jessie, jessie, jessie, have I told you lately you are my hero. You were once my amazing,wonderful, mild mannered around the corner neighbor, and have now rocketed into sewing super-stardom. Plus you live in california. *ahhhh* HERO!

  11. I am so impressed. And I hope your machine starts cooperating soon, too.
    chino hills personal trainer

  12. looks great!! I'm very impressed with your button placket, I'm sorry to hear of your machine power struggle, Maybe Santa will bring you a new machine....
