
Breanne Sews

So for Christmas, there were two things Breanne asked for.  A computer, and a sewing machine.  Yes, this is totally evidence of who her parents are.  Cory did give in and give her a (really, really old) computer (a Mac Classic II, if you want to know just how old, which had just been sitting in our garage gathering dust), but I just couldn't make myself buy her the cheapie Singer kids sewing machine for $30 that I'm afraid would just cause more frustration than fun because of its poor quality.  So, I got her a little sewing/cross-stitch/embroidery kit instead.  And I present to you, her first project.  She sewed it all herself, and was so proud.  I'm proud, too.

Immediately after I took this picture, she took off one of the frog's eyes, and proclaimed him the Pirate Frog King.  He keeps his eye in the pocket on his stomach for  safe keeping.  Kids are weird, man.


  1. That's hilarious! It just gives me all the more reason to love your girls. :)

  2. What a smart mom. And what a funny girl. But really, who doesn't love a pirate?

  3. lol, about the pirate frog! what a fun present! I think hand-sewing is a good way to start. You're probably right about a sewing machine causing more frustration than fun.

  4. you are my favorite mom. the end. can i just ship my kids to you so you can raise them into awesomeness? i guess i should just move next door instead. i dunno... but seriously. you rock.

  5. Wow! She's so young to be sewing so well! What a neat kid! We have an old mac that is one of the first laptops out there, and my daughter used to sit at it telling us that she was "blobbing" (blogging)! LOL.
