

looked like this.  Plus a few extra parts that I skipped.

Breanne was cold before school.

She got dressed and looked so grown up, I had to take a picture.  She tucked in her shirt! So cute.

After I got out of the shower I could hear Janey and Cailin yelling about something.  Turns out Cailin got stuck in her new baby crib.  Hahahahahaha.  Haha.  Ha. Haha.  I almost felt bad for laughing so hard and insisting on taking a picture before I got her out.  Don't worry, she was fine.  P.S.  I did my second Couch-to-5K run today.  Turns out it's a lot better when I don't drink cocoa right before.  

I contemplated on cleaning up my crafting space.  Didn't happen today, but my closet does look much neater.  All our suitcases are officially unpacked and put away.  You can expect to see craft space progress in the next few days.  I can only take so much.

Rode some bikes after school.  Yup, that's right, Breanne was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and it was warm enough.  Why don't you people come visit me?!?

Cailin looked adorable after I fought to get ponytails in her hair.

You can see all three girls and bikes!  Right after this Cailin pushed Janey around on her bike.  Janey yelled "I know how to ride my bike!  Don't push me!" several times until she realized, hey, it's fun to be pushed, and much laughter ensued.

Then, when it was time to come in, Cailin carried her own bike in.  Yeah, she's tough like that.  :)

And then we finished off the day with homework, play-with-toys time, and dinner at Chili's, because we had kids-eat-free coupons.  Now that's a good day.  


  1. That does sound like a good day!! Lol about your daughter getting stuck in the crib. :-) And I'm glad I'm not the only one with an insane craft room. Although, I think by definition craft rooms are supposed to be messy. :-)

  2. That IS a good day. :) I love the days that are simple parts of life, but stick in your mind.

    And by the way, I am JEALOUS of your cocoa machine you got for Christmas - I looked it up on Amazon and it looks fabulous. :)

    Thank you for all the comments about doll furniture. Richard was so busy making the house that he never bought the furniture - I probably should have taken care of that part, but I had a lot on my plate too. But now we can start finding stuff!

    And yes, it's ironic that our girls got the same gifts.

  3. Our kid got stuck in the toilet earlier this year, and before rescuing him we laughed and took a pict. So don't feel bad about it.

  4. Umm oh yeah it's Jan. I guess it was last year. lol

  5. Yeah I'd say that sounds like an awesome day! playin' with the kids, and you didn't have to cook? Score.

  6. This sounds like a great day indeed. I bet the girls love riding bikes and playing outside with you.
