
Sometimes I Think We're Crazy

Other times, I know we are. Meet the newest member of our happy little family:


(For those of you who are wondering about our sanity, let me just say a few minor words--we knew that eventually we'd need a car that fit at least 3 carseats, or 2 carseats and a booster--this will do that.  We wanted to just trade in the manual Elantra, but it was actually honestly cheaper to buy this without the trade in, and we now have plans to sell the Elantra and the Cavalier to eventually buy a minivan--thus we'll still have two cars, but two that are better suited to our eventually growing family.  Also, we got quite a steal on this car, which is a beauty and ridiculously loaded with extras, and I know (thanks to Cory's latest apps) that we will easily be able to afford it.  We're thinking long term, people.  Please stop worrying.  We're not as crazy and impulsive as you'd like to think.)


What We've Been Up To

Well, this is nothing exciting, but I just wanted to let you know that we're still alive over here.  We've been keeping busy with all kinds of things.  My biggest adventures have been getting my garden in, and trying to get it growing (I just planted last week, so I'm anxiously awaiting those little green lives), and trying to get my lawn whipped into shape.  In my other spare time, I also did this:

as inspired by several of my friends.  And for the record, this is NOT the best filing system, unless you have a photographic memory and can remember what color every book you have is. However, I still enjoyed the project, and I think it looks much cleaner than my shelves used to. Of course, that could just be because I threw away a bunch of junk while I was reorganizing, but who can really tell, anyway?

While I've been busy with my projects, Cory has been very busy working for these guys, and also on this, this and this.  Also he's been doing quite a bit of this (though he didn't want to pose for a photo, and I practically forced him to):
which I think is fantastic.  The other night we did grilled corn-on-the-cob, and pork chops with applesauce... so tasty, and so easy!  I love it.  He has been so amazing lately with all he's been able to accomplish, and how well he has been providing for our family.  Also, Saturday was his birthday, but we were having too much fun for me to find the time to post a tribute to him, so watch for that in the near future.  I consider myself to be one lucky girl to have this guy for the rest of eternity, because I definitely do love him.

And as for the girls, well, they've been doing a lot of this:

--much silliness abounding in this house. Leading to much exhaustion, and much need for sleep. And generally, a good time to be had by all.



So Breanne can now read a whole entire book. I can't believe she's old enough for this yet.