

In celebration of Janey's half-birthday, she finally got a taste of "real food"--rice cereal!  A few pics of her first bites:

The trouble with waiting until 6 months to start real food... they already know how to use their hands, and try to take the spoon away before it gets anywhere near their mouths!

First bite finally in... looks like she's loving it, don't ya think?
Second bite...

Analyzing the taste...

Yes, I do believe she likes it after all.

And just because Breanne wanted a picture of her eating her cereal too...


  1. I love how much personality Breanne has. She sees that Janey is getting all of these pictures taken of her eating cereal so naturally... Breanne wants one too! And yay! Janey has graduated to some real food! I can't believe she's already 6 months old. Crazy!

  2. I can't believe how cute Janey is. I'm excited for a baby when I see other people's babies, but I am still a little nervous. I love the rice cereal pictures. Breanne is hilarious too! Of course she can't be left out.

  3. Hooray, rice cereal! I know you've been anticipating this day for, oh, about two months. :) Hooray for following the doctor's orders. :) Oh those girls are so cute!

  4. what cute girls! oh, they are going to have so much fun growing up together. i can tell that breanne will teach janey everything she needs to know about life. how fun!
