
Growing Up

So guess who is big enough for a big-girl bed?

Yeah, it surprised me too, but she has handled it like a champ.  We had one rough night, where she didn't want to stay in so we put her back in the crib, but since then--it's all been great.  No locks on the door or anything.  This kid is awesome.  So is this picture.

And no, I did not stage it.  This is how I found them on the first morning they both slept in the bunk beds.

I'm a little sad to be putting away the crib, not knowing when we'll pull it back out again (it hasn't been put away for more than a couple months at a time for years now), but it'll be nice to have the extra space.  I believe Santa will be utilizing it next month.  :)


  1. i'm curious to hear santa's plans. and your plans!

  2. It's always a little sad when they are ready to leave the crib. I'm glad the transition went well.

  3. Time goes too fast right? It's just NOT FAIR.

  4. I'm so glad she she's doing so well with the change! I can't believe this round of kids is already at the age of beds. Grace is the only one left in a crib. Hopefully that will be changing come Christmas.

  5. I find Naomi in bed like that ALL the time! Honestly, she sometimes starts out that way. I don't see how it's comfortable. What's the age where it no longer is? And I'm with Becca. How are these kiddos all growing up so fast? The round of 2nd birthdays has already started!

  6. awwww....so cute! Are those some sort of toddler bunk beds? We are looking to get a bunk bed for our son since we found out the baby is a boy. Eventually they will be sharing a room.
